Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wheelchair Bound Opera Goer Turned Away From Concert Hall

A Honolulu man was forced to abandon his plans to see an opera at the local concert hall. His plans were thwarted by the concert hall’s parking lot attendants. The attendants would not allow him to park his wheelchair van in a space not designated for such vehicles. All of the spaces so designated were occupied at the time of the man’s arrival.

This situation may illustrate that the concert hall is not in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Although the man does not plan on filing a lawsuit, he is hoping that the city will ensure future compliance with the Act.

The concert hall has had other complaints with wheelchair access to restrooms and the location of seating for wheelchair bound concert goers. Specifically, the wheelchair seating is located in the aisles with nothing but a wooden stop to prevent the wheelchairs from rolling down the aisle.

Disclaimer: The foregoing is general legal information only and not intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. If you have been injured or damaged due to a violation of the American With Disabilities Act go to to see if there is a lawyer or attorney in your local area who is willing to take your case on a contingency fee basis. is an online legal directory that allows Attorneys to advertise their availability to take all kinds of cases on a contingency fee basis (for example personal injury, eminent domain, contract cases, partnership disputes, etc.). Please note there are no guarantees that any attorney or lawyer will take your case. Copyright 2009 – All Rights Reserved.

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